Are your nutrition habits keeping you from your goals? If so, then we can help! Below are frequently asked questions about our nutrition services and how we can best help you! You can also start today by getting a free analysis of your current dietary habits here!
Frequently asked questions about personalized nutrition plan features:
Q.What comes with my personalized nutrition plan?
A. Each personalized nutrition plan comes with the following features:
- Your full nutrition plan, broken down in a meal-to-meal format.
- Every meal contains multiple options divided into carb, protein and fat options along with the appropriate portions.
- All options and portions are based on your preferences (food likes/dislikes/allergies) and goals .
- A full numerical breakdown of carbs, proteins and fats along with total calories which will also be integrated into your Team MLP Virtua Trainer app for logging and tracking. Jay can also see what you log which increases interactivity and accountability!
- A full grocery list is included that will contain all of your necessary items based your specific preferences and goals.
- Everything comes to you in an email, attached as a mobile & printer-friendly PDF file. Your dietary numbers will also be integrated into your MLP Virtua Trainer app for added guidance and interactivity.
For an example of what your plan will look like, you can contact us and we will send you a sample PDF!
Q.How is my personalized nutrition plan designed and put together?
A. Each nutrition plan is designed based on YOUR specific goals, schedule and preferences such as foods most liked, foods disliked and special requests such as vegan, vegetarian, paleo or low carb.
Q.What if I don’t know how to prepare meals containing certain foods, or I am having trouble understanding/executing the format?
A. You will not be lost!
If you are having trouble fitting the options into meals, then we will make every effort to share recipes with you or direct you towards a recipe that will best utilize your options for that meal. If execution is the problem, such as fitting all of the meals/snacks required into one day, then coaching is available to further assist you in forming effective habits long term and to address specific questions about your nutrition plan throughout.
Q.What if I travel a lot or maintain a busy schedule which keeps me from preparing meals daily?
A. No problem!
It is common these days for people to travel a lot, both for work and for leisure. For situations such as these, options can be integrated that will be available at most restaurants along with guidance on how to order these items. For more travel-friendly coaching, the VIP plans are recommended since your plan will be changing more often and more interactive guidance will be needed (VIP Email Support/Phone Sessions) in order to better alter your nutrition plan to fit your travel or schedule at that time.
Q.How long does my personalized nutrition plan last?
A. Your nutrition plan will last 8 weeks (2 months). At this time you will be due for an update to your program, which Jay will remind you of in your weekly check-in leading up to week 8 on your current program. Updates are needed in order to continue with enough variation in your approach to develop the results necessary for you.
Q.What if I get tired of my options provided?
A. There will be times that you will get tired of certain options, we all do! When this happens, just contact Jay and he will give you replacement options in smaller cases. Every 8 weeks, your plan will be rewritten (once you renew for your update) and this will include new options and numbers also! Variation is the key to maintainability, and the interactivity of our program guidance options is intended to minimize this “dietary boredom”.
Q.How do I renew and update my nutrition plan for the next 8 weeks?
A. Jay will remind you when it is almost time to update your program, and at this time he will send you a link to do so along with a special discount code which will take 25% off of your plan update. Once you process your payment, your future goals and progression will then be discussed and your new nutrition plan will be designed accordingly.
Q.Can I upgrade my package to include workouts, cardio enhancements, phone sessions etc?
A. Absolutely!
Once you purchase ANY of our program guidance plans, you are a client and therefore you will receive a discount on any of these packages during the duration of your 8 week plan. Simply let Jay know that you wish to upgrade, and you will be directed towards how to do this.
Q.Can I add phone sessions to my current program guidance plan?
A. Yes!
Phone sessions are included with every VIP plan, but they can also be added independently to any of the packages in groups of 4. Contact us for instructions on how.
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“The diet was simple, easy and kept me from having cravings for junk all while trimming me down and adding muscle…”
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